News: Gun Policy

The $64 Question: Lawmakers Supporting Assault Weapons Ban Get 130 Times Less Gun Money
House members who have not shown support for a ban on assault weapons received more than 130 times more campaign money from pro-gun interests during the last election cycle than members who support a ban.
Money, Guns, and Politics: Five Facts About National Rifle Association Spending
The National Rifle Association and its employees have contributed $160,400 so far to candidates running for federal office in the 2018 election cycle. Almost all of the contributions -- 97 percent -- went to Republicans. During the 2016 cycle, they contributed $828,000.
Boosted by $30 Million During Campaign, Trump Will Thank NRA By Speaking at Convention
Donald Trump, who was buoyed as a candidate by $30 million from the gun lobby, will become the first president in more than three decades to address the annual convention of the National Rifle Association.