Ron Paul’s Appeal Spans the Country

Chad Outler | May 12, 2011

May 13, 2011 -- US Representative Ron Paul announced his candidacy for president today, a sequel to his unsuccessful bid for the White House in the 2008 election. Below is a map of Rep. Paul's contributions from January 2005 to December 2007 illustrating his broad appeal; during this time period he received campaign contributions from every state in the union.

Geographic Sources of Contributions to Ron Paul Jan. 2005 through Dec. 2007


Rep. Paul's fundraising prowess comes into sharper focus when you compare it to two other Congressional big shots, House Speaker John Boehner and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. From Jan. 2005 - Dec. 2007, Paul outearned both, not only in terms of dollars raised (more than Boehner and Pelosi combined), but also in terms of the geographic diversity of his support.


CandidateContribution Totals
Ron Paul (map)$ 12,643,020
John Boehner (map)                     $ 4,739,743
Nancy Pelosi (map)$ 3,235,658

All three politicians received the vast majority of their donations from out of district. Pelosi received 86.9% of her campaign contributions from outside her home district of San Francisco, 90.9% of Speaker Boehner's contributions came from outside his Ohio district, and Rep. Paul received 97.7% of his campaign money from outside his district in Texas.

Methodology: Includes reported contributions from Jan. 2005 through Dec. 2007, excluding individual contributions of less than $200 and contributions from political parties, other candidates, and leadership PACs. Contributions data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics (