
The Money Behind the Battle Over Raising California’s Cigarette Tax
Jiali Li | September 14, 2016
Tobacco companies have given nearly $56 million since June to fight a proposed cigarette tax in California, according to a MapLight analysis of data from the Secretary of State’s Office.
California police groups giving money to fight death penalty repeal, marijuana legalization
Chad Outler | September 12, 2016
California law enforcement organizations are giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight efforts to repeal the death penalty and legalize marijuana, according to a MapLight analysis.
In California, four measures get most of the cash
Ashleigh McEvoy | September 02, 2016
In California’s big-money ballot battle, four initiatives have pulled in most of the cash so far, a MapLight analysis has found. Of the $280 million in contributions reported by the end of August, 78 percent -- more than $218 million -- has gone to campaigns for and against limiting prescription drug prices, hiking the cigarette tax, extending an income tax increase, and requiring the state to use certain hospital fees for Medi-Cal patients.
Soda Tax Fundraising Flat — For Now
Frank Bass |
Has the fight over soda taxes gone flat? Fundraising by campaigns battling over taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages in four U.S. cities has topped the seven-figure mark, but still falls far short of the dollars spent on the last two major soda tax initiatives, according to a MapLight analysis.
“Dark Money” Groups More Likely to Sponsor Attack Ads
Frank Bass |
Screenshot of television ad paid for by Club For GrowthAugust 17, 2016 -“Dark money” groups were more likely to pay for attack ads than other political organizations during the presidential primary season, a MapLight analysis has found. Attack ads accounted for about 70 percent of the airings paid for by politically active nonprofits, according to the analysis of television ads identified as positive or negative. By comparison, fewer than 20 percent of airings paid for by all political groups were critical in tone.
Pro-Trump Super PAC Hire Tests Federal Election Rules
Andrew Perez |
Trump accused rivals of being "in cahoots" with super PACs. Is he doing the same thing now?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Gets Last-Minute Help From Super PAC In Primary Race
Andrew Perez |
A week after Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign from her position as head of the Democratic National Committee, a national Democratic super PAC is spending big money to keep her in Congress.