Fixing our democracy demands both clarity of purpose and the inspiration to focus on the long-term solutions that will return power to We the People. I’ve been so encouraged to hear that my new graphic novel, Unrig: How to Fix Our Broken Democracy, is helping our movement gain both.
Here’s what the San Francisco Chronicle had to say about Unrig in a featured opinion piece last week:
The book is an answer for the frustrated American trying to explain to fellow citizens the corrosive effect of money in politics and who is tempted to say, “Let me draw you a picture.”
Unrig draws the pictures, with clever and insightful storytelling. It features three elements that are not usually associated with books about political reform. It’s a fast 250-page read, it’s fun — and it’s laced with hope. It doesn’t just bemoan the status quo, it offers road maps for getting involved and bringing change.
Newman covers the bases on how democracy is undermined, from the origins and effects of an electoral college that reduces a presidential election to no more than a dozen swing states to partisan redistricting in which politicians choose their voters to the dominance of unregulated dark money.
The beauty of “Unrig” is that it does not lose its seriousness of purpose in the breezy presentation. Its release was obviously timed for the 2020 election season, but its shelf life will endure.
Click here to read the whole article in the San Francisco Chronicle.
If you haven’t already, I want to encourage you to order a copy of Unrig on Amazon, IndieBound, or your local bookstore. The book will help you understand the central problems we face as well as how we can tackle them to implement solutions — all while supporting MapLight’s mission.