For more than a decade, MapLight has been highlighting the outsized influence of money in politics and advancing solutions to improve our democracy. In the past year, I’ve been channeling that energy into an exciting new format to inform, engage, and inspire Americans to address this challenge head-on.
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce my new graphic novel, Unrig: How to Fix Our Broken Democracy.
The book hits shelves on July 7, 2020, but you can read a full chapter preview as well as a profile of the book now on Forbes. Unrig is illustrated by the acclaimed cartoonist George O’Connor and published by the award-winning graphic novel press First Second of Macmillan publishing. From money in politics, to gerrymandering, voter suppression, the electoral college and more ― Unrig succinctly explains the problems with our government and offers concrete and practical solutions for returning power to We the People.
Here’s a sample of comments from early readers of the book:
"Dramatic and inspiring tales of champions of democracy fighting for and implementing practical solutions. It’s a great read—with important lessons for any citizen who gives a damn."
--David Corn, Washington bureau chief, Mother Jones
"By clearly illustrating the toughest problems that threaten our system of government, Unrig has the potential to be this generation’s most influential book on American democracy. It is a must read."
--Spencer Overton, author of Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression
Unrig is available now for pre-order, and all of the author proceeds will go toward supporting MapLight’s mission. To stay informed with developments on Unrig, including where you can find more chapters serialized online in the coming months, please sign-up for updates here.