Dec. 20, 2011 - The House Committee on the Judiciary is expected to resume a markup on Wednesday of a controversial Internet piracy bill known as the Stop Online Piracy Act (HR 3261). SOPA is opposed by a coalition of open Internet advocates and Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, eBay, and Twitter. The measure is supported by entertainment giants such as Disney, Time Warner, Comcast, CBS, and the Recording Industry Association of America.
Trade associations representing software producers have found themselves split over the issue. The Entertainment Software Association is in favor of the measure while the Business Software Alliance originally supported the measure but has since reassessed its position.
A collection of entertainment media interest groups representing TV, music, and movies, such as Disney, Sony, Comcast, and CBS, has outspent the online computer services industry, such as Google, eBay, and Yahoo!, by greater than a 4-1 ratio ($1,428,966 to $335,483) in contributions to the candidate campaigns of current House Judiciary Committee members from Jan. 1, 2009 through Jun. 30, 2011.
Contributions To Current Members of the House Judiciary Committee
- Cable & satellite TV production & distribution, Recorded Music & music production, Entertainment Industry/Broadcast & Motion Pictures, Commercial TV & radio stations, Motion Picture production & distribution, and TV production & distribution, which support the bill, have contributed $1,428,966.
- Online computer services, which oppose the bill, have contributed $335,483.
METHODOLOGY: MapLight analysis of reported contributions to congressional campaigns of the current members of the House Committee on the Judiciary from Cable & satellite TV production & distribution, Recorded Music & music production, Entertainment Industry/Broadcast & Motion Pictures, Commercial TV & radio stations, Motion Picture production & distribution, TV production & distribution and Online computer services interest groups, January 1, 2009 – June 30, 2011. House Judiciary roster totals excludes Hon. Pedro Pierluisi of Puerto Rico. Campaign contributions and industry classifications provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Click here to download a spreadsheet of contribution totals of members of the House Judiciary Committee and the entire House of Representatives from Google, eBay, Yahoo, Comcast, National Association of Broadcasters, National Cable & Telecommunications Association, Time Warner, and the Recording Industry Association of America (Jan. 1, 2009 through Jun. 30, 2011).