June 15, 2010 - Threatening to derail the passage of a campaign finance transparency bill, the National Rifle Association has managed to lean on House Democrats enough to force an exemption for the pro-gun group. The NRA has contributed over $200,000 to House Democrats over the last two years, the only pro-gun group to contribute to Democratic coffers. HR 5175 -- The "Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending" (DISCLOSE) Act -- is intended to mitigate the effects of the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of unbridled corporate spending on political campaigns by requiring increased and better disclosure of individual donors to political action committee campaign expenditures.
Fearing the bill would not pass because of pro-gun rights Dems' reluctance to go against the NRA, the House negotiated an exemption, a blatant giveaway to a large special-interest donor. Other gun rights groups, such as Gun Owners of America, continue to oppose the bill.
As MAPLight.org previously reported, the many special interest groups opposed to this bill have contributed over $45 million to current House members over the last two years. As of today, the Sierra Club and the US Public Interest Research Group have also expressed opposition to the bill.
To see a list of expressed supporters and opponents, click on the link below total contributions here.
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