Howard “Buck” McKeon to Head Armed Services Committee

Chad Outler | December 17, 2010

Dec. 17, 2010 -- New York Times reports that Rep. Buck McKeon will become the House Armed Services Committee chairman for the 112th Congress.

McKeon represents California's 25th Congressional District, which includes portions of Death Valley National Park, the Inyo National Forest, and the Stanislaus National Forest. Rep. McKeon joined the House in 1992.

The following are the top ten contributors to McKeon's campaign by interest group (the top three of which are all defense related):

Defense Aerospace$152,400
Misc Defense$91,500
Defense Electronics$58,500
General Contractors$43,700
Air Transport$32,700
Health Professionals$24,350
Lawyers/Law Firms$23,200
Building Materials & Equipment    $20,900
Retail Sales$20,000

Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) will replace outgoing House Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton (D-Mo.) in the 112th Congress.  The following are the top ten contributors to Skelton's campaign by interest group:

Lawyers/Law Firms$213,839
Defense Aerospace$150,100
Misc Defense$136,261
Defense Electronics$126,900
Business Services$78,336
Public Sector Unions$73,400
Building Trade Unions$57,500
Transportation Unions            $50,500

Contributions above are for the last two years of available data, Oct 14, 2008 - Oct 13, 2010. Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in the "Top 10" lists. Contributions data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics (