HR 4173 Conferees Received Nearly $6 Million from Wall Street Over Last 2 Years

Emily Calhoun | June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010 - On Wednesday the House named its representatives for the Senate-House conference negotiations on the Wall Street Reform bill, HR 4173. There are some substantial differences in the Senate-passed and House-passed versions of the bill that will be negotiated over the coming weeks, and several major issues remain for which banks and other financial institutions are lobbying conferees. The conferees were named from several committees, including House Financial Services and Government Oversight. Over the last two years, campaign contributions to the group of House conferees from financial and non-health insurance interests have totaled $5.6 million.

See the breakdown of finance and non-health insurance sector contributions to House conferee members. previously reported that Senate conferees received over $15 million from the same interests over the last six years (one full election cycle).

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