Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Passed by the House — Bill Would Circumvent Environmental Review, Presidential Permit

admin | June 05, 2013

On May 22, the House of Representatives approved a bill (H.R. 3) that would deem TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline project approved for construction without a presidential permit and without further environmental review.

The bill has little chance of passing the Democratic-led Senate, and it faces a veto threat from the White House.

Data: MapLight analysis of campaign contributions from interest groups that have taken a position on H.R. 3 to members of the House between January 1, 2011—December 31, 2012. Contributions data source:

  • Interest groups in support of the bill have contributed 4.9 times more money ($40,346,629) to members of the House than interests groups in opposition ($8,241,587).
  • Members of the House voting "YES" received 58 percent more money ($108,043) from interest groups in support of the bill than from interest groups in opposition ($68,262).
  • Speaker John Boehner received $1,240,543 from interest groups in support of the bill, more than any other member of the House.

Image: shannonpatrick17/Flickr