announces its partnership with Congresspedia, a project of the Center for Media and Democracy and the Sunlight Foundation. The partnership combines Congresspedia, the citizens’ encyclopedia on Congress, with's Legislator Pages.
“In bringing their data together, and Congresspedia have joined forces to bring an unprecedented level of transparency to the work of Congress, empowering journalists, advocacy groups and citizens with free Web resources to follow the money trail on specific issues they care about in real-time," said Ellen Miller, executive director and co-founder of the Sunlight Foundation.'s Congress Web site is delineated into three sections, Interest Groups, Legislators, and Bills. "The new Congresspedia Tab provides an added layer of information to our Legislator pages," said Daniel Newman, executive director of "The new content allows reporters, bloggers, and interested citizens to obtain background and source information on their desired Congressperson without having to leave MAPLight's site."
To see the Congresspedia tool in action please visit,'s Congresspedia Tool - Arlen Specter.