June 23, 2011 - The California Senate Committee on Health passed a bill (AB 1319) by a vote of 5-3 on Wednesday prohibiting the use of the chemical BPA in certain commercial products.
The bill is opposed by groups such as the California Grocers Association, the American Chemistry Council, the California Chamber of Commerce, and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association. Supporters of the bill include the California Medical Association, the California Nurses Association, Sierra Club California, and the Autism Research Institute.
All three Republicans on the committee voted against passage. Five Democrats voted in favor of passage, with one lawmaker, Ed Hernandez (D-East Los Angeles), not voting.
Senate Health Committee Members
- Interest groups that opposed this motion (Food Stores, Chemicals, Chambers of commerce, Manufacturing, etc.) gave on average 185% more to senators who voted 'NO' ($47,603) than to senators who voted 'YES' ($16,690).
- Interest groups that supported this motion (Physicians, Health worker unions , Environmental policy, Health & welfare policy, etc.) gave on average 61% more to senators who voted 'YES' ($66,299) than to senators who voted 'NO' ($41,300).
The bill would enact the Toxin-Free Infants and Toddlers Act, which would prohibit the manufacture, sale, or distribution in commerce of any infant formula, liquid, baby food, or beverage that contains bisphenol A at a level above 0.1 parts per billion (ppb) on and after July 1, 2013 (except as specified). The bill would also require manufacturers to use the least toxic alternative when replacing bisphenol A in containers in accordance with this bill.
Methodology: A MapLight analysis of campaign contributions to Senate Health Committee members in office on day of vote, from interest groups invested in the vote according to MapLight, January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2010. Campaign contributions data source: FollowTheMoney.org