News Corp. Donates $1 Million to Republican Governor’s Association

Owen Poindexter | August 19, 2010

Aug. 18, 2010 - News Corp., the media conglomerate that owns Fox News and the New York Post, has donated one million dollars to the Republican Governor's Association, according to the Washington Post. Over the past ten years, News Corp. employees have donated $397,976 to elected members of Congress serving since the 109th Congress. Of this total, $243,076 has gone to Democrats and $156,900 to Republicans. Investigate this data further and conduct your own searches on's contribution search.

News Corp association determined by the occupation/employer field on an individual's contributors FEC filing. Monetary and non-monetary contributions to candidate campaign committees of legislators serving in the 109th, 110th and 111th Congresses for election cycles 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010. Contributions data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics.