With the election just weeks away and millions of Americans already casting ballots by mail, it’s absolutely critical that voters have access to trustworthy and reliable information about the election. And yet, deceptive content and disinformation continues to spread across social media, polluting our information environment, advancing conspiracy theories, and threatening the integrity of the election.
That’s why this week, MapLight partnered with allies to demand that social media and technology platforms implement reforms to limit dangerous efforts to intimidate, suppress, and deceive voters by requiring human review of election-related content from accounts with large followings and a track record of election integrity violations.
Click here to demand social media giants like Facebook and Twitter implement Voter Protection Preclearance to limit online disinformation ahead of the 2020 election.
Far too often, high-reach accounts share content that clearly violate social media platforms’ policies by promoting disinformation about voting. By the time the platforms see the posts and react, the damage has been done. But if platforms agree to a preclearance policy for accounts with more than 250,000 followers and a history of sharing content that violates election integrity rules, we can limit the spread of disinformation online as the election approaches.
To demand technology and social media companies do more to protect the 2020 election from online deception, join us by requesting platforms immediately put in place real protections for voters.
Irresponsible practices from big technology companies and a lack of government regulation have combined to make social media more of a liability to our democracy than an asset. Now, it’s up to We the People to demand better.