Undecided or Choosing Both? Individuals and Entities Making Major Contributions to Both Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman

Owen Poindexter | February 09, 2011

When a company, individual, or advocacy group donates to a candidate, one might assume it is because they want that candidate to win. Some, however, seem to play it safe and contribute to both candidates opposing each other in a race, effectively assuring that they end up picking a winner.

According to an analysis conducted by on the final data from California's 2010 gubernatorial race, many companies, groups, and even a few individuals chose to hedge their bets by contributing to both Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. MAPLight counted 118 individuals or entities that gave to both candidates.

Between the primary and general election, individuals and organizations may contribute a maximum of $ 51,800 to each candidate.Three companies gave this amount to both Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown: AECOM, AT&T, and HP. AT&T California Employee PAC, a separate contributing entity from AT&T, also gave the maximum amount to both candidates. Google, The GEO Group, and Prime Healthcare Services, Inc. gave $ 25,900 to each candidate, choosing not to tip the scales towards one candidate or another.

Below is the list of entities that contributed to both Brown and Whitman, contributing at least $ 51,800 combined between both candidates. Contributions from married couples are totaled together. Contributions are sorted by total contributions for Governor.

Includes campaign contributions from donors as disclosed on campaign finance filing reports published by the California Secretary of State.


ContributorTo BrownTo WhitmanDifferenceFavorsTotal
ROBERT & KELLY DAY$ 103,600$ 98,287$ 5,313   Brown
$  201,887
$ 10,000103,60093,600   Whitman
$  113,600
$ 5,000103,60098,600   Whitman
$  108,600
AECOM$ 51,800$ 51,800           -Neither$  103,600
AT&T CALIFORNIA EMPLOYEE PAC$ 51,800$ 51,800           -Neither$  103,600
AT&T INC. AND ITS AFFILIATES$ 51,800$ 51,800           -Neither$  103,600
$ 51,800$ 51,800            -Neither$  103,600
HEWLETT PACKARD$ 51,800$ 51,800            -Neither$  103,600
PASKENTA BAND OF NOMLAKI INDIANS$ 51,800$ 50,900$ 900Brown$  102,700
SYCUAN BAND OF THE KUMEYAAY NATION$ 51,800$ 48,900$ 2,900Brown$  100,700
BARONA BAND OF MISSION INDIANS$ 51,800$ 35,900$ 15,900Brown$ 87,700
SAN MANUEL BAND OF MISSION INDIANS$ 50,900$ 35,900$ 15,000Brown$ 86,800
SEMPRA ENERGY$ 32,400$ 51,800$ 19,400Whitman$ 84,200
COMCAST$ 51,800$ 26,900$ 24,900Brown$ 78,700
ELON MUSK$ 25,900$ 51,800$ 25,900Whitman$ 77,700
E & J GALLO WINERY$ 51,800$ 25,900$ 25,900Brown$ 77,700
$ 51,80025,900$ 25,900Brown
$    77,700
ALLERGAN$ 51,800$ 25,000$ 26,800Brown$ 76,800
AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS$ 51,800$ 20,000$ 31,800Brown$ 71,800
MORONGO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS$ 46,578$ 25,000$ 21,578Brown$ 71,578
ABRAXIS BIOSCIENCE, INC.$ 30,000$ 35,900$ 5,900Whitman$ 65,900
CALIFORNIA APARTMENT ASSOCIATION$ 37,900$ 25,900$ 12,000Brown$ 63,800
WASTE MANAGEMENT$ 46,728$ 12,750$ 33,978Brown$ 59,478
PALA BAND OF MISSION INDIANS$ 32,400$ 25,900$ 6,500Brown$ 58,300
OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM$ 51,800$ 5,000$ 46,800Brown$ 56,800
THE IRVINE COMPANY$ 6,000$ 50,000$ 44,000Whitman$ 56,000
DONAGHY SALES LLC$ 31,000$ 25,000$ 6,000Brown$ 56,000
DISNEY WORLDWIDE SERVICES INC.$ 30,000$ 25,000$ 5,000Brown$ 55,000
EDISON INTERNATIONAL$ 30,000$ 25,000$ 5,000Brown$ 55,000
BLUE SHIELD OF CALIFORNIA$ 28,400$ 25,900$ 2,500Brown$ 54,300
$ 28,400$ 25,900$ 2,500Brown$ 54,300
GOOGLE$ 25,900$ 25,900           -Neither$ 51,800
PRIME HEALTHCARE SERVICES, INC.$ 25,900$ 25,900           -Neither$ 51,800
THE GEO GROUP, INC.$ 25,900$ 25,900            -Neither$ 51,800