
White House Relied Upon Dark Money Lobbyist to ‘Quarterback’ Gorsuch Confirmation
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins and Andrew Perez | July 07, 2017
A lobbyist with extensive ties to secretive nonprofit organizations served as the “quarterback” for  the successful nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, according to records reviewed by MapLight.
Genetic Testing Bill Opponents Outnumber Supporters 138-1 But Still Fret About Passage Odds
Frank Bass | June 29, 2017
Move over, Trumpcare. By at least one standard, the “Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act” passed earlier this year by a House panel is giving the White House’s health-care overhaul a run for its money when it comes to unpopularity.
Dark Money Organization Emerges As Major Financier for GOP Legislative, Electoral Agendas
Andrew Perez and Margaret Sessa-Hawkins | June 22, 2017
A secretive nonprofit closely linked to House Speaker Paul Ryan has begun playing a pivotal role in supporting Republican policies and candidates since the November 2016 election, a MapLight analysis has found.
Senators Drafting Secret Health Care Bill Backed by Insurance and Pharma Campaign Money
Alec Saslow |
The small group of senators secretly crafting a bill to eliminate the Affordable Care Act collected an average of $214,000 in campaign contributions from health insurance and pharmaceutical industries.
Conservative Dark Money Helps Georgia Congressional Candidate Narrow Spending Gap With Ossoff
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins |
An influx of outside spending has turned the race to replace former Rep. Tom Price -- now head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -- into the most expensive House contest in U.S. history, with a price tag that's topped $55 million and is still rising.
Sponsors of Bill to Weaken Financial, Consumer Protections Boosted by Campaign Money from Big Banks
Alec Saslow |
Sponsors of a bill to roll back the landmark Wall Street reform law passed after the financial crisis received almost three times more money during the 2016 election cycle from commercial banks and holding companies than representatives who are not sponsors of the legislation.
Conservative Group Led By EPA Chief Pruitt Received Dark Money To Battle Environmental Regulations
Andrew Perez and Margaret Sessa-Hawkins |
An organization once led by the nation’s top environmental regulator raised more than $750,000 from conservative dark money groups to battle federal regulators, including officials at the agency he now leads, a MapLight investigation has found.