MapLight research on the influence of money and politics.
Miriam Marks
October 13, 2015
Bret Hendry
October 07, 2015
Sarang Shah
September 28, 2015
Pamela Behrsin
September 03, 2015
MapLight, in partnership with California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, announced today the launch of a new open source campaign finance search tool that will greatly increase political transparency in the state."With the influence of campaign money far too pervasive in our government, we commend Secretary Padilla for his visionary approach to increasing political transparency in California," said Daniel G. Newman, President and Co-Founder of MapLight. "It's now easier than ever for the public to get a clear picture of the money behind California elections."
Bret Hendry
July 29, 2015
MapLight has released an analysis on the 10 organizations that spent most on lobbying Congress and federal agencies between April 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015.Which three organizations spent record amounts on lobbying in quarter two of 2015?
Sarang Shah
July 28, 2015
Are California's pockets of wealth also where politicians can find their biggest campaign donors? A MapLight analysis of campaign contributions from the state of California to federal candidates reveals that, when ranking these zip codes by amount contributed per capita, the most politically generous areas are found all across the state.From what California zip codes do most federal campaign cotnributions originate?
Sarang Shah
July 17, 2015
The reports are in. On July 15, the 2016 presidential candidates turned in their Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings disclosing how much their campaign committees have raised to date.From which states have presidential candidates received the most money for their campaigns, and how much have they raised in total?