
Health-Care Corporations Flooded Political Campaigns With Cash in 2017
Frank Bass | April 10, 2019
The nation’s largest health-care corporations gave at least $61 million directly to political campaigns, nonprofits, ballot initiatives, and trade associations during 2017.
Corporate Lobbyists Providing More Bundled Donations to Dem Congressional Committee
Andrew Perez and Alex Kotch | April 03, 2019
Corporate lobbyists are raising an increasing amount of money for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) at a time when the House Democrats’ campaign arm is taking fire from the left for its effort to freeze out primary challengers.
Green New Deal Opponents Score 24 Times More Campaign Cash From Big Oil Companies
Frank Bass |
The average congressional opponent of the Green New Deal has received 24 times more campaign cash from the nation’s largest oil and gas companies than sponsors of the climate change resolution.
Interior Nominee And His Lobbying Firm Have Donated Almost $1 Million To Senators
Andrew Perez |
President Donald Trump’s nominee for U.S. Interior Secretary and his former lobbying firm have donated almost $1 million to senators who will vote on his confirmation since 2013.
Opponents of Health Care Reform Boosted By Industry Campaign Money
Frank Bass |
Senators who have refused to cosponsor bills that would reshape the nation’s ailing health care system have received an average of $14,000 to $24,000 more in campaign contributions from the nation’s biggest health-care companies than lawmakers who have signed on as sponsors of one of three major reform bills.
Democratic Senator Who Opposed Medicare for All Will Lobby For Health-Care Interests
Andrew Perez |
Months after advising the Democratic Party to abandon the idea of “Medicare for All,” a former U.S. senator has been hired by a lobbying firm whose clients are leading the fight against changes to the nation’s health care system.
MapLight President Testifies in Favor of Bill to Increase Local Campaign Finance Transparency
Alec Saslow |
A new bill introduced in California by Assemblyman James Gallagher, R - Yuba City, would increase transparency into campaign finance records at the local level by requiring local election officials to post campaign finance records online within 48 hours of filing deadlines.