
Dark Money Group Received Massive Donation In Fight Against Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins and Andrew Perez | October 24, 2017
A dark money organization that spent $7 million to block former President Obama’s Supreme Court pick received just three donations between 2015 and 2016, but one transaction really counted: A single $17.9 million contribution from a mystery donor.
Report: Russia-Linked 2016 Election Ads Expose Need to Modernize Online Ad Disclosure  
Alec Saslow | October 18, 2017
Following revelations exposing online advertising surrounding the 2016 election linked to a Russian propaganda company, MapLight and the Voters’ Right to Know project propose recommendations to improve transparency.
Pruitt Calendar: Top Republican Donors Press EPA to Move Regional Office to Phoenix
Andrew Perez | October 12, 2017
Top Republican donors have been pressing the Environmental Protection Agency to move its regional headquarters from San Francisco to Phoenix.
Newly Released NRA Video Takes on NFL Protesters in Clash of Politics Vs. Sports
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins |
One of the nation’s most powerful political lobbying organizations is taking on the country’s most popular professional sport.
Despite Trump Opposition, NFL Owners Have Given 75 Cents of Every $1 Contribution to GOP
Frank Bass and Laura Curlin |
About 75 cents of every $1 in federal campaign contributions from NFL owners during the last decade has gone to Republican candidates, according to a MapLight analysis.
Lawmakers Slam Equifax Even As Congress Mulls Legislation To Help Company
Andrew Perez |
Equifax, which allowed financial records of more than 145 million Americans to be exposed to hackers, was blasted at congressional hearings this week -- even as lawmakers continue to consider anti-consumer legislation that would benefit the credit reporting giant.
New Mexico Politicians Call For SEC Enforcement Of Pay-To-Play Rules
Andrew Perez |
Sen. Tom Udall called for federal regulators to begin applying an anti-corruption rule to outside political groups in the wake of an International Business Times/MapLight investigation revealing hundreds of millions of investment dollars flowed to firms whose executives donated to organizations supporting Republican Gov. Susana Martinez.