
Dianne Feinstein Raising Money From Health-Care Lobbyists After Dismissing Single-Payer
Andrew Perez | May 02, 2017
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is raising money from health care lobbyists while progressives push for single-payer health care.
Long Overlooked, Case That Laid Foundation For Citizens United Marks Tenth Anniversary
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins | April 28, 2017
Argued 10 years ago this week, the Supreme Court's decision in Federal Election Commission vs. Wisconsin Right to Life opened the floodgates for more money in politics by letting corporations pay for “electioneering communications,” advertisements aired within 60 days of an election that mention candidates by name.
Boosted by $30 Million During Campaign, Trump Will Thank NRA By Speaking at Convention
Ashleigh McEvoy | April 27, 2017
Donald Trump, who was buoyed as a candidate by $30 million from the gun lobby, will become the first president in more than three decades to address the annual convention of the National Rifle Association.
Corporate Lobbyists Funnel Cash To House Democrats Amid Push To Pass Trump’s Business Initiatives
Andrew Perez |
Corporate lobbyists are taking on a larger role in the Democratic Party’s fundraising efforts as it seeks to regain control of Congress.
With Billions in Profit From Browser Histories At Stake, Industry Spent Millions on Influence
Ashleigh McEvoy |
The 25 Republican senators who sponsored legislation that allows internet providers to sell their customers’ browsing histories have received an average of $107,000 in contributions from telephone and cable industries since 2010, according to a MapLight analysis of OpenSecrets data. The sponsors of the companion measure in the House have received an average of $144,404 from the companies since 2010. Lawmakers who voted against the bill have received considerably less since 2010.
United Airlines Spent Millions Fighting Proposals To Protect Passenger Rights
Frank Bass |
United Airlines, the Chicago-based giant at the center of a public relations storm for its forcible removal of a passenger from a weekend flight, has spent more than $41 million during the past decade to lobby the federal government, often battling consumer-friendly causes.
Watchdog: ‘Reason To Believe’ Trump And Super PAC Violated Election Law
Andrew Perez |
White House strategist Steve Bannon’s financial disclosure raises questions about his relationship with Breitbart News and a pro-Trump super PAC.