
Five facts about money, guns, and the current Congress
Laura Curlin | June 15, 2016
Learn five interesting facts about money spent to influence the current Congress on bills to prevent terror suspects from purchasing guns and expand background checks for gun buyers.
Top Washington Lobbyist Slow To Disclose Relationship With Saudi Arabia
Andrew Perez | June 06, 2016
A top Washington lobbyist appears to have disclosed his firm’s contract with Saudi Arabia six months after signing the deal. The delay in registration raises questions about the U.S. government’s oversight of foreign lobbyists, ethics experts say.
Facebook’s PAC has given more money to GOP candidates
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins | May 18, 2016
As Facebook defends itself against accusations of anti-conservative bias, a MapLight analysis has found the company's political action committee has given more money to Republicans than Democrats running for federal office.
Obama Foundation Donors Attended Private White House Events With The President
Andrew Perez |
a MapLight analysis has found.Altogether, 15 of the 39 named donors to the Obama Foundation have been invited to small meetings with the president at the White House,
After Citizens United, a surge in “dark money” groups
Frank Bass |
More than half of all politically active social welfare organizations – 60 percent -- have been created since the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, a MapLight analysis found.
Campaign to legalize pot has huge fundraising advantage
Margaret Sessa-Hawkins |
JACK GUEZ / Getty Images May 5, 2016 - A campaign to legalize marijuana in California has raised more than 240 times as much money as efforts to fight it, according to a MapLight analysis.
For Top Federal Contractors, Investments in Lobbying, PACs Yield Big Returns
Frank Bass |
Major U.S. government contractors have received $1,171 in taxpayer money for every $1 invested in lobbying and political action committee contributions during the last decade, according to a MapLight analysis.