
Corporate PAC Donation History For 2020 Democratic Candidates Reveals Few Surprises
Frank Bass | January 17, 2019
Half of the leading Democratic candidates accepted six-figure amounts from corporate political action committees during their most recent campaigns. Three Democrats took either no money from corporate PACs or returned more donations than they received
Corporate Trade Organization Increased Donations by 18,000 Percent to Boost Tax Legislation
Frank Bass | January 09, 2019
A nonprofit trade association whose members include some of the largest corporations in the nation increased its political donations by more than 18,000 percent in 2017, including a $6 million contribution to a dark money organization with ties to former House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Conservative Legal Interests Funneled $2.7 Million To NRA, Freedom Partners Around Gorsuch Fight
Andrew Perez | January 07, 2019
Conservative legal groups linked to President Donald Trump’s top judicial adviser funneled at least $2.6 million to the National Rifle Association and the Koch brothers’ political network around the time the organizations were working to confirm Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.
Net Neutrality Fight Made Allies of Wireless Industry, Conservative Dark Money Organizations
Frank Bass |
A pair of telecommunications industry trade organizations gave more than $3 million to nonprofit organizations that helped secure the repeal of net neutrality policies last year.
Tax Return Shows Mercer Family Fueled Climate Skeptics Last Year With More Than $4 Million
Andrew Perez |
A controversial family credited with helping Donald Trump win the White House spent $4.4 million last year to finance climate change deniers, according to its foundation’s latest tax return.
Net Neutrality Potentially Gains Powerful Foe in Top Justice Candidate
Frank Bass |
Corporations that have spent millions to gut Obama-era net neutrality laws may soon get more influential help to thwart state measures aimed at protecting consumers from having to pay extra for internet “fast lanes.”
Almost Two Years After Pruitt Nomination, Tax Return Reveals Extent of Dark Money Support
Andrew Perez |
More than four months after Scott Pruitt resigned from the Environmental Protection Agency in disgrace, the public is finally receiving details about the special interest money spent to confirm him as the agency’s administrator.