
Corporate Political Action Committees Back 30 Percent of Federal Candidates
Alec Saslow and Laura Curlin | July 10, 2018
Corporate political action committees have contributed to 30 percent of all federal candidates in the 2018 election cycle, according to a new MapLight analysis.
Countries Hosting Trump Businesses Have Added Lobbyists at Rapid Pace Since Inauguration
Frank Bass | July 06, 2018
More than one-third of lobbyists who have registered as foreign agents with the Justice Department since President Donald Trump took office are representing countries with Trump-related business interests.
Four Things to Know About the Next Supreme Court Fight
Andrew Perez | July 05, 2018
The public may never know whose money helped secure Gorsuch’s confirmation -- or whose money will ensure a lifetime appointment to the next Trump nominee.
Internet Service Providers Pour $1 Million into California Assembly As Net Neutrality Debate Rages
Laura Curlin and Alec Saslow |
California’s major internet service providers and their trade association have contributed more than $1 million to members of the California Assembly since January 2017.
Tobacco Money Fuels Controversial Pro-Trump Policy Group
Andrew Perez |
The country’s second-biggest tobacco company has been a top funder of the controversial “dark money” organization created to promote President Donald Trump’s legislative agenda,
Corporate Political Action Committees Pour $120 Million into Congressional Campaigns for 2018 Midterms
Alec Saslow and Laura Curlin |
Members of Congress have raked in more than $120 million from corporate political action committees since January 2017. Almost two-thirds has gone to Republicans, according to a MapLight analysis.
MapLight Suing New Jersey, Chris Christie for Release of Jared Kushner Correspondence
Andrew Perez and Frank Bass |
MapLight filed a lawsuit today to force New Jersey officials to release copies of correspondence between former Gov. Chris Christie’s office and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner.