
The money behind the winners and losers of California’s ballot races
Laura Curlin | November 08, 2016
The campaigns for the 17 measures on California’s ballot raised more than $446 million combined. Here is a look at the money behind the biggest winners and losers in those races.
Massachusetts Voters Reject Charter School Measure Backed By Wall Street
Andrew Perez |
Massachusetts voters soundly rejected a controversial measure to expand the number of charter schools in the state on Tuesday.
Election 2016: Campaign finance by the numbers
Frank Bass |
Mark Wilson / Getty ImagesNovember 7, 2016 - Take a quick look at the money given to the presidential and Congressional races so far in the 2016 election cycle.
Soda Taxes and Campaign Finance: By-the-Numbers
Frank Bass |
Four cities -- San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany, California and Boulder, Colorado -- are voting on whether to tax sugar-sweetened beverages. The ballot measures in the three California cities would levy a penny-per-ounce tax, while Boulder’s initiative would add a two cent-per-ounce tax.
As California Prepares to Vote, Lesser-Known Ballot Measures Garner Voters’ Attention
Bret Hendry |
A preliminary analysis of website traffic to the comprehensive online voter guide Voter’s Edge California reveals that some of the most high-profile propositions on the statewide ballot are garnering less attention from users of Voter’s Edge California than ballot measures largely outside the public spotlight.
Hacked Clinton Campaign Memo Lays Out Legal Basis For Coordinating With Super PAC
Andrew Perez |
An early campaign memo to Hillary Clinton laid out the legal basis for plans to work directly with a super PAC called Correct the Record. The memo was sent days after the group proclaimed it would “be allowed to coordinate” with her campaign.
Out-of-state money dominates four California ballot campaigns
Ashleigh McEvoy |
Four state ballot measure campaigns have each received more than 75 percent of their funding from individuals and groups outside of California, according to a MapLight analysis.