
Wall Street Firms Managing Pension Money Spend Millions To Support Governors, Despite Pay-To-Play Rule
Andrew Perez | October 24, 2016
Hoping to manage a piece of the $3 trillion state pension fund jackpot, financial firms have found their way around an anti-corruption rule.
Governor playing key role in two California ballot battles
Ashleigh McEvoy | October 21, 2016
California Governor Jerry Brown isn't on the November ballot, but he’s playing a key role in two state initiative campaigns.
Amid Hours of Debate and Insult, Campaign Finance Gets 85 Seconds
Frank Bass | October 20, 2016
Photo credit: Ethan Miller, Getty Images News October 19, 2016 - Across three debates spanning four-and-a-half hours, Clinton and Trump have spent a grand total of one minute and 25 seconds on a subject that an overwhelming number of Americans consider to be a major threat to the nation’s democratic traditions.
Soda Tax Ballot Battles Bubble Over With Super-Sized Contributions
Frank Bass |
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose bid to ban larger sizes of sodas and other sugar-sweetened drinks in the nation’s largest city earned him a Bronx cheer from the state’s highest court, has given almost $10 million this year to support a pair of Bay Area initiatives that would increase taxes on the beverages.
Hacked Emails Provide Evidence of Coordination Between Clinton Campaign and Super PACs
Andrew Perez and Lee Fang |
The fact that political candidates are closely coordinating with friendly Super PACs – making a mockery of a central tenet of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision – is one of the biggest open secrets in Washington. Newly disclosed hacked campaign documents published by WikiLeaks and a hacker who calls himself Guccifer 2.0 reveal in stark terms how Hillary Clinton’s staffers made Super PACs an integral part of her presidential campaign.
Ballot measure contributions hit 15-year high
Jiali Li and Chad Outler |
Contributions to California’s 17 ballot measures have topped $379 million -- the most money raised for ballot races in a single election since 2001, according to a MapLight analysis.
Individuals Spend Big in Initiative Battles
Chad Outler and Frank Bass |
Typically, large organizations like corporations, unions and political parties are responsible for the largest contributions in political campaigns; individuals generally contribute less. In the 2016 election cycle in California, however, a few individuals are making a huge financial impact.