
NFL’s PAC has donated to House members reviewing concussion research
Pamela Behrsin | March 23, 2016
The National Football League’s political action committee has made campaign contributions to most members of a Congressional panel reviewing concussion research.A MapLight analysis of campaign finance data has found the NFL’s Gridiron PAC has given money to 41 of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee’s 54 members. Since 2008, 17 percent of the PAC’s campaign contributions -- or $292,000 -- has gone to those lawmakers.
Pharmaceutical industry gives nearly $50 million to fight prescription drug initiative
Pamela Behrsin | March 13, 2016
The pharmaceutical industry has poured $49 million into a campaign against a California ballot measure aimed at limiting state spending on prescription drugs, according to a MapLight analysis of Secretary of State data.Which drug companies have given the most?
Senators Who Rejected Human-Caused Climate Change Received 7 Times as Much Money from Oil and Gas Interests
Miriam Marks | December 02, 2015
As the climate summit in Paris progresses, revisit the January 21, 2015 vote in which Senators voting on Keystone XL did not pass an amendment expressing the sense of Congress that "human activity significantly contributes to climate change." On average, how much money did oil and gas interest groups give to senators who voted for and against the amendment?
Senators Voting to Block EPA Rules Received 17 Times as Much Money from the Coal Mining Industry
Miriam Marks |
Ahead of a climate summit in Paris, the Senate passed joint resolutions on November 17, 2015 to block Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules designed to address climate change.Which 13 senators received more than $100,000 from the coal mining industry and voted to block EPA regulations?
One Year Out from November 2016, California State-Level Candidates and Ballot Measures Have Raised Over $43M
Miriam Marks |
As a number of local elections unfolded last week, money continued to flow to the state-level candidates and measures that will appear on California’s 2016 and future ballots.How much money have state-level candidates and ballot measure raised since the beginning of the 2015-2016 election cycle?
Senators Voting for CISA Receive More Defense Industry Money
Miriam Marks |
On October 27, 2015, the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a bill that would require several federal agencies to develop procedures that promote timely sharing of data deemed valuable in thwarting cyber threats. On average, how much money did the defense industry give to senators who voted for and against the bill?
Huge Lobbying Increases by Insurance, Oil, and Pharmaceutical Companies in Q3, 2015
Miriam Marks |
On October 20th, filings on federal lobbying expenditures made between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015 were due to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. MapLight examined filings by companies that saw the largest increases in spending on lobbying from Q2 to Q3.Which 10 organizations spent most on lobbying during the third quarter of 2015?