
California Workers & Retirees Are Unwittingly Financing An Anti-Rent-Control Campaign
Andrew Perez and David Sirota | October 23, 2018
Campaign finance records show entities controlled by private equity giant Blackstone have been among the biggest sources of cash for opponents of a state ballot initiative to permit rent control measures.
MapLight Unveils New Tool to Track Money in California Politics Ahead of Midterm Election
Alec Saslow | October 16, 2018
The California Political Money Tracker provides a user-friendly layout that displays overall campaign contributions as well as independent expenditures supporting and opposing candidates for state office.
MapLight and NBC Bay Area Highlight Oil and Gas Money in California Politics
Alec Saslow | October 01, 2018
An investigation by MapLight and NBC Bay Area found oil and gas interests have poured more than $180 million into California political campaigns since 2001.
Emails Show NRA Lobbyist’s Influence With Florida Gun Regulators
Andrew Perez |
Emails obtained by MapLight illustrate the gun lobby’s enormous influence within the Florida agency handling concealed weapon permits.
Spotlight on New Hampshire
Hamsini Sridharan and Laura Curlin |
Democracy reform is brewing in New Hampshire, where, in 2019, legislators will introduce a “Voter Dollars” bill to create a voluntary public funding system for state elections.
Despite Concentration of Donations, California Net Neutrality Bill Awaits Brown’s Signature
Frank Bass |
The 11 California lawmakers who let amendments that would have gutted a landmark net neutrality measure pass through a key committee received almost $1 of every $6 contributed by internet service providers during the current election cycle.
Rick Scott Invested in the Same Financial Firms As Florida’s Pension System
Andrew Perez and David Sirota |
Florida Gov. Rick Scott and his wife have invested at least $18 million in three financial firms managing money for the state’s pension system that Scott oversees -- a situation that intertwines the governor’s personal finances with his responsibility for supervising state employees’ retirement savings.